Meeting – Saturday April 23, 2016

MMRS Regular Meeting

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

at the

Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M of Maryland

304 International Circle

Cockeysville, MD 21030

Meeting in the basement of the main building

Lunch at 12 noon

$15 payable at the door

Please contact the Secretary (

to confirm your attendance

Meeting and Presentation 1 pm

“Transmission and Freemasonry”
By Eric Serejski

Communication in the context of initiatory societies, or transmission, has rarely been studied. On the other hand, in general pedagogy, the study of communication of knowledge has seen significant developments in the last fifty years, providing models and tools permitting better techniques. The studies that clearly delineate explicit and tacit knowledge and the transmission of those have also seen major advances. In the field of esoteric transmission, within the context of an ancient tradition, of evolving sociocultural values and the disappearance of cultural boundaries, transmitters of knowledge can only benefit to assimilate the exoteric concepts of communication to understand, uphold, enhance and adapt their methodology of transmission.


Eric Serejski is currently Secretary of the Maryland Masonic Research Society.

MMRS meeting – April 23rd Calendar (.ics) file

MMRS announcement 23April2016 pdf file

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