August Festive Board


Monday, August 3, 2015

The Kings Contrivance Restaurant
10150 Shaker Drive, Columbia, MD 21046
Cash Bar – 6:30 P.M.
Dinner 7 P.M.
$ 45.00 per person for dinner, beverage, and gratuity.
Please send your intent to attend to the Secretary, Inessa Mischenko, by July 25th.
For additional $35 you have a chance to purchase a collectable item – Maryland Masonic Research Society original Masonic Firing Glasses, handmade and engraved in UK.
Please mail your check to the Secretary by July 25th, 2015

Anti-clericalism, Freemasons and the Cristero War
by Brother and Rabbi Ken Cohen

Bro. and Rabbi Ken Cohen is a writer, speaker and pastor. Ken served as Hillel Director at American University in Washington, DC and held pulpits in Cardiff, Wales, Southfield, Michigan and Columbia, Maryland. He was a broadcaster with the BBC. Ken lectures widely and has taught classes on Jewish ethics at the US Capitol.

Ken was ordained by Leo Baeck College in London. He has a Bachelors degree from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, an MA in Jewish History from Baltimore Hebrew University and a Doctor of Divinity from the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Ken is planning to talk about the dilemma that Masons face – they expected to show loyalty to the government, on one hand, but to resist tyranny on the other. What if the two come into conflict – if the government is a tyranny? The obligation to show loyalty is expressed in terms of obedience to the legislature – not to the sovereign. This might not be happenstance.

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